Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Command and Staff

Our group will hold its first command and staff this Wednesday. The time tentatively right now is between 10-12. That time may change due to changes in the overall schedule. We will discuss this more in class today.

1 comment:

Dave Rowland said...

Due outs from the meeting:

S4: Prepare supply "wish list." Determine the amount necessary for a supply fund for items such as coffee, filters, cups, plastic silverware, etc.
S3 TNG: Bring team sport ideas to the next C&S. Identify tentative APFT dates for October (primary/secondary). See if Navy and/or Air Force officers can grade the APFT
Social coordinator: In conjunction with the S3 OPNs, SGL, and XO determine proposed dates for Socials (30 days out) and Offsites (2 weeks out) minimum.
PAO: Need dates for media engagement training
S2: Check to see who needs to update their security clearances and determine the process they need to go through if they don't.

If there is anything else I need to track, please let me know.
