Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hello everyone, thanks for the invitation. This afternoon I just wanted to share my questions for tomorrow, this is a draft, anyway be prepared..... have fun this afternoon.

1. What are your ROE’s for a situation like this?
2. In case there is, somebody wounded or killed what is the process with the soldiers, their commanders, and the unit?
3. In case there is, somebody wounded or killed what is the process with them and their families?
4. What are your subsequent actions in order to avoid this kind of events?
5. Why US are having troops in this remote area? Is there anything else? For instance mineral resources, perhaps strategically advantage position?
6. What is the real situation with the supplies, why there are not enough?
7. How long is going to take get the situation normalized?
8. What is the process of the investigation? Can you provide a short brief about it?
9. Based on the population in this area, what is the capacity of your unit based on the actual stock and the actual capacity for delivering?
10. Hundreds of US citizens belonging to different organizations are protesting for the repeated violations of the human rights by the US armed forces, what is your message for them?
11. People in this area are becoming out of control due to the situation what is your message for them.

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