Sunday, September 05, 2010

Listening In Tongues

Easy and quick article relating to our discussion the other day in our Leadership class regarding speaking a foreign language. I'm a big fan of the language training.

1 comment:

Jay R said...

In regards to the Language Enabled Soldiers (LES), most bases that currently have the program running (Forts: Campbell, Drum, and Carson) are not taking 10 month, but more like 16 weeks or less. FCKY has had two 16wk programs to date, FDNY did a 10wk, FCCO did a 5wk with a break and 5 more weeks. They are all sponsored through DLI-M and the target is to pass an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) at a 0+/0+ level. For Fort Campbell we had a 100% achievement of the goal and 75% were in the 1/1 or 1+/1+ range. We expect the Soldiers to return after a year deployment using the language and all be able to pass the DLPT for pay at the 2+/2+ or higher level.