Tuesday, May 03, 2011

UBL and getting what you want!

So what is everyones thoughts on what the death of UBL with do to the AQ network? Can Al-Zawahiri hold them together? Will he find them a new figure head to rise up and be the head? Or will chaos take over and the organization destroy itself from within by infighting and distrust?
I personally believe that Al-Zawahiri will fall fairly quickly as he tries to hold the organization together and gets sloppy and desperate. I see the Taliban making a seperate peace with the GoA and trying to distance themselves from the AQ elements and support. I predict AQ making a last desperate attempt in Chechnia in three to five years. When the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't even want to associate with you, you know you are tainted (their founder thought A. Hitler was one righteous dude)!


1 comment:

Jerome said...

I concur with you Jay R. on Al-Zawahiri Although I see AQ floating around for awhile. The spirit of the "organization" will live on though and the future UBLs growing up will be back one day. The Taliban/GoA relationship needs to evolve for sure. We might have to revisit the option of incorporating the Taliban into the fold of legitimate governance.