Monday, September 19, 2011

Anyone out there?

Just checking to see if anyone is still following this Blog?
Rant for the day: I just got a really lame apology from Netflix founder on why they are destroying their business and separating their DVD and Streaming sides, Netflix will be the streaming side and the old standby DVD by mail side will be re-branded Qwickflix (or something like that). It seems like customer service is a thing of the past! Netflix had a great idea, and they improved it by modernizing into streaming, they had been great with customer service (if a movie had issues they would send an extra in your Que, since you pay by the month not per movie). When they added streaming it only had old stuff and a few new movies and TV series, the band width was ok, but occasionally slowed (likely on customer end). Then they teamed with console systems to add it to their internet connection (Wii, XBox, PS3, and new TVs).Then they got the bright idea to raise the rates, since they weren't making enough money. Now they have decided to charge equally for DVDs or Streaming (no discount for both), and split the services (now you have two Ques which are not linked) and charge you separately. Might as well get a different service, since the only reason to keep their crappy streaming was the fact that they were linked.
Rant #2: USAA has also become a member of the "we don't care about the customer anymore" club. I have been banking with them for several years and have been on again off again insurance customers (GEICO has better rates currently), but I had found it convenient to get my mortgage through them and insure the house also. Well that changed this last few months. I had not been happy with their insurance department again after my laptop took a drop and they would not cover it (despite having specific insurance for computers). Then I went to buy a new house. I checked in with Buyer's Advantage and had them recommend a Real estate Agent (I had had good luck the first time I used them, and bad luck when I did not), they hooked me up with a guy that seemed to know the area and we eventually found a house that met all our needs (after we made some modifications to the build plan). We entered into a contract with the builder and started the loan process (after getting pre-approved first). My agent posted the contract and I went to USAA's web site to view it, at that time I called and asked what else I needed to do. They passed me around to a few different departments (insurance, life insurance, and I thought mortgage). They told me they would send me additional paperwork, and would be in touch. Unfortunately I was also dealing with a refinance (through another bank) of my other property to take advantage of the low rates, and things got a little confusing who I was talking with at any given time. My agent was trying to keep Mover's advantage informed where we were, but apparently they aren't connected to Mortgage or anyone else at USAA. The builder was speeding along to get the house complete by the closing, and I called a few Weeks before because I had not received anything else from USAA. Well, they claimed they had not received anything from me (contract, loan paperwork, insurance....) and the earliest they could close would be 45 days. I should have walked away from them right then, but I thought they might work with me, since they did have much of the paperwork already (they just did not know where it was) and maybe they could speed up the closing. Well, not only would they not adjust the closing, they also would not return e-mails, or phone calls from myself or my Real estate agent. If all goes well, we will finally close 27 September, and I will then start looking for someone else to move all my accounts to, unless they grovel and apologize profusely. The original contract was signed 5 July and sent to them that evening. We have been living in a hotel for three months plus (left FLKS on 24 June), the house was completed 26 August on the original closing date.
The US not only has a employment issue and debt crisis, but the few businesses that are surviving have thrown out what made them great and ignored customer service.
Rant over.
Hope everyone is settling in to their new jobs, and enjoying them!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

UBL and getting what you want!

So what is everyones thoughts on what the death of UBL with do to the AQ network? Can Al-Zawahiri hold them together? Will he find them a new figure head to rise up and be the head? Or will chaos take over and the organization destroy itself from within by infighting and distrust?
I personally believe that Al-Zawahiri will fall fairly quickly as he tries to hold the organization together and gets sloppy and desperate. I see the Taliban making a seperate peace with the GoA and trying to distance themselves from the AQ elements and support. I predict AQ making a last desperate attempt in Chechnia in three to five years. When the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't even want to associate with you, you know you are tainted (their founder thought A. Hitler was one righteous dude)!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Yearbook Pages

I uploaded the first draft of yearbook pages to the 15c student sharepoint. Go to sharepoint and then to Section 15 Library. Go to the Section 15c section. Look for the folder "YearbookPages". In that folder is two PDF files. First file is page 1-2 of the spread. Second file is page 3-4. The photos in this spread are lower resolution than what will be the final yearbook pages. The PDF is also a smaller size than the actual spread. We will discuss these pages on Tuesday. I will submit final proof by Thursday. Thanks.

Monday, March 07, 2011

If something takes too long...wait until the last minute, then it only takes one minute

Why only one "Art of Commmand" at the Command and General Staff College?

What is so broken at the Command and General Staff College that we are only offered a single section for the Art of Command elective? In an environment so rich in retired military officers, how is it that we are given only the one option for formal instruction in command leadership from a single individual. I do not even know who that individual is so this is not to shine a negative light on that person but rather an expression at the frustration of feeling left out of the discussions and formal education I am sure this class will elaborate on. While I have been in the Army for more than a day or two (nearly 23 years), this is a topic that never has an end and I for one know that I am never fully developed but always trying to learn, especially from those that have been there before me. I only offer that CGSC should provide more sections in the future (I realize the pole was done for a reason but this course should still have had more offerings regardless) as all Majors coming through ILE may be in command again in the future and even if they aren't it is their responsibility to advise those that are as the situation permits. Even though we have had plenty of leadership classes that discuss mostly case studies, I know that you can never cover all subjects in the realm of command and further detailed discussions regarding higher level leadership is always welcome, at least by me.