Monday, March 07, 2011

Why only one "Art of Commmand" at the Command and General Staff College?

What is so broken at the Command and General Staff College that we are only offered a single section for the Art of Command elective? In an environment so rich in retired military officers, how is it that we are given only the one option for formal instruction in command leadership from a single individual. I do not even know who that individual is so this is not to shine a negative light on that person but rather an expression at the frustration of feeling left out of the discussions and formal education I am sure this class will elaborate on. While I have been in the Army for more than a day or two (nearly 23 years), this is a topic that never has an end and I for one know that I am never fully developed but always trying to learn, especially from those that have been there before me. I only offer that CGSC should provide more sections in the future (I realize the pole was done for a reason but this course should still have had more offerings regardless) as all Majors coming through ILE may be in command again in the future and even if they aren't it is their responsibility to advise those that are as the situation permits. Even though we have had plenty of leadership classes that discuss mostly case studies, I know that you can never cover all subjects in the realm of command and further detailed discussions regarding higher level leadership is always welcome, at least by me.

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